영국·해외 대학교
진학을 위한 필수과정

해외 학업 경험이 없는 학생이, 해외대학교 진학을 위해 이수해야 하는 '필수 교육과정'. 학생들은 본 과정을 통해 IELTS/TOEFL 점수를 면제받고 해외대학교에 진학할 수 있습니다.

학사진학과정 구성

3과목 선택
EAP(아카데믹 영어)

NCUK가 고안한 커리큘럼에 따라 다양한 이수 과목 중 총 3개를 선택하여 수강하게 됩니다. 학생들은 이를 통해 6,000여개 이상의 전공으로 진학할 수 있습니다.

IEN은 본 과정 시작 전 꾸준한 진학 상담을 통해 개개인의 학생에게 알맞는 전략적인 진로 선택을 유도하고 이를 통해 최고의 성과를 낼 수 있도록 지도합니다.

모든 강의는 엄격한 자격 기준을 충족한 교수진이 영어로 진행합니다.

수업의 형식은 강의(Lecture), 소규모 수업(Tutorial), 세미나(Seminar) 등 해외 대학생활에서 실제로 진행되는 다양한 방식으로 이루어져 있으며, 이를통해 학생들은 해외 대학생활을 위한 적응력을 미리 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

아카데믹 영어 (English for Academic Purposes, EAP)

원어민 교수진과 함께 해외대학교에서 꼭 필요한 학술 영어를 훈련하는 과정입니다.

학생들은 영어 레벨에 따라 소규모 그룹으로 분반되고, 효율적으로 수업에 참여할 수 있는 환경에서 영어 능력을 향상시킵니다. 

EAP 수업은 단순 영어점수 획득을 위한 학업방식을 지양하며, 실질적으로 해외대학교 재학 시 필요한 영어능력을 익히는 것에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

학업의 결과로 학생들은, 1,000~5,000자 에세이작성 / 강의청취 / 노트테이킹 / 프리젠테이션 / 포트폴리오 등 다양한 유형의 과제 수행 능력을 갖추게 됩니다.

아카데믹 영어 EAP 성적을 활용해, 해외대학교 진학 시 IELTS/TOEFL 점수를 면제받는 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다.

세부과목 소개

 (3 과목 + EAP)

경영학 (Business Studies)

The NCUK Business Studies module introduces students to subject knowledge and understanding required for successful study of the Business Studies and related Social Science disciplines at undergraduate level in an NCUK partner university. The module aims to help develop an understanding of the external environment in which UK businesses operate and three key functional areas of business, namely marketing, accounting and finance, and human resource management. It is designed to meet the requirements of NCUK partner universities and provide outcomes comparable with GCE A Level.

경제학 (Economics)

The NCUK Economics module introduces students to necessary subject knowledge and understanding required for successful study of Economics and related Business disciplines at undergraduate level, providing outcomes comparable with GCE A Level. The module aims to help students develop key vocabulary, knowledge and understanding of economic concepts and principles in a national and global economics environment, covering microeconomics (the study of markets) in the first semester and macroeconomics (the national economy) in the second semester of study. Through assessments, students are encouraged to analyse, explain and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the market economy and the role of government within it.

사회학 (Sociology)

The NCUK Sociology module introduces students to the necessary subject knowledge and understanding of the subject both at a global and British level, as well as enabling application to the students’ home countries. The learning outcomes of the module aim to develop students’ skills of application, analysis and evaluation. Upon completion of the module, students should be well-prepared and equipped for successful study of the subject and related Social Science disciplines at undergraduate level in any NCUK partner university, with comparable outcomes with GCE A Level.

생물학 (Biology)

The NCUK Biology module aims to help students develop the skills, knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm in Biology appropriate for entry to an undergraduate degree at an NCUK partner university, with outcomes comparable with GCE A Level. On the module, students will learn to identify and explain facts and concepts from a broad range of biological disciplines and for specific areas develop a deeper understanding. Through practical experience and tutorial-based learning, students will also develop skills of investigation.

화학 (Chemistry)

The NCUK Chemistry module aims to help students develop the skills, knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm in Chemistry appropriate for entry to an undergraduate degree at an NCUK partner university, with outcomes comparable with GCE A Level. The module provides an overview of important chemical concepts that will act as a foundation for further study in the subject, and is designed to develop skills of investigation through practical experience and tutorial-based learning.

물리학 (Physics)

The NCUK Physics module aims to enable students to acquire the knowledge and understanding of physics to meet the entry requirements of NCUK Universities. Students will further develop their skills of investigation through practical experience and tutorial-based learning and will apply and practise their ICT skills in the study of physics. They will develop confidence and competence as learners, taking some personal responsibility for their own learning through directed study and reading. Students will become familiar with science-specific English language vocabulary and terminology and practise skills introduced in EAP/EAPPU/RCS lessons, together preparing them to learn effectively in an English language university.

문과 수학 (Mathematics for Business)

The NCUK Maths (Business) module aims to develop an enthusiasm for the subject as well as the skills required to apply the knowledge to both further study and application of mathematics. The module encourages self-directed reading and study, and tutorial-based learning helps students understand how theory and application work together, to think logically and express ideas clearly, and develop skills in modelling and interpretation of results. Content ranges from algebra, trigonometry and coordinate geometry to differentiation/integration as well as concepts in probability and statistics relevant to business planning.

이과 수학 (Mathematics for Science)

The NCUK Maths (Science) module aims to develop an enthusiasm for the subject as well as the skills required to apply the knowledge to both further study and application of mathematics. The module encourages self-directed reading and study, and tutorial-based learning helps students understand how theory and application work together, to think logically and express ideas clearly, and develop skills in modelling and interpretation of results. Content ranges from algebra, trigonometry and coordinate geometry to differentiation/integration and the application of calculus. Students will also learn to solve simple separable differential equations, including the exponential decay and growth equation, and apply mathematical techniques to simple “real life” problems.

심화수학 (Further Mathematics)

The NCUK Further Maths module is designed to develop key knowledge, understanding, skills and application of further mathematics in subject-related contexts appropriate for entry to a degree course at any NCUK partner university. The module aims to help students understand how theory and application work together, and develop skills in modelling and the interpretation of results. Module-specific content includes further skills in algebra with links to curve sketching, advanced skills in complex numbers, matrices, vectors, hyperbolic functions and geometry (conics), application of differentiation and integration techniques, and application of techniques from pure mathematics to mechanics topics.

아카데믹 영어 (English for Academic Purposes)

The NCUK EAP module is designed for students who are not native English speakers and aims to provide the essential English language and study skills that are required for university study in the UK. Teaching is based on an integrated skills approach within a communicative framework with attention to grammatical accuracy. The EAP module focuses on developing the four core language skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking – as well as other essential academic skills such as seminar and discussion, presentation delivery, exam-taking, lecture note-taking and referencing.


2024/25년 신입생모집 설명회 : 학사 10/26(토), 대학원 10/26(토)